Student Life | Technology | WIS

Student Life | Technology | WIS

Technology and Information



Built on a fast, robust, and secure network, technology supports all areas of teaching and learning at WIS. The Information Technology (IT) and Academic Technology teams work closely together monitoring trends and best practices in independent schools and elsewhere to ensure faculty, staff, and students feel safe and productive online. WIS incorporates Academic Technology Pathways into curriculum planning to ensure students develop skills needed in the classroom and beyond. In addition, the technology teams work with each division to introduce aspects of digital citizenship to all students.

WIS elected to participate in the Middle States Association RAIL (Responsible AI in Learning) program and is one of the first 50 schools to earn an endorsement in AI Literacy, Safety, and Ethics. RAIL was created to "help schools to stay safe and stay ahead with AI." WIS looks forward to ongoing engagement with AI and its responsible use in the field of education.

All teachers and students have access to a high-speed Wi-Fi environment. Device use and access differs across campuses:

  • Early Years students occasionally use iPads under the guidance and supervision of the teacher.
  • Grades 1-3 leverage shared laptop carts and iPads for use in the classroom.
  • Each Primary School classroom for Grades 4-5 is equipped with a cart of Macbook Air laptops.
  • All students in Grades 6-8 are issued a school-owned iPad as part of a 1:1 device program in the Middle School.
  • Students in Grades 9-12 bring their own laptop (which must meet school guidelines) to campus daily.
  • All faculty and staff are issued a school-owned device with added threat protections such as anti-virus software and open DNS.

School-owned devices are managed via a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system and therefore adhere to centrally established policies. Internet traffic is filtered through industry-standard firewalls and email traffic is governed by security and spam filtering.

Classrooms serving students in Grades 1-8 are equipped with 70” interactive touch screen boards, while all other classrooms have access to HD-quality projection, sound, and Apple TV. All teachers are trained on how to use the classroom technology effectively.


The technology teams work hand-in-hand with the Primary School library team and the Grades 6-12 Research and Media Specialist to ensure students can safely access online resources and databases. New platforms are vetted to ensure they meet WIS’s standards for privacy and safety.

Our unified library catalog combines two unique collections: one for Preschool through Grade 5 on the Primary School campus (there’s also an online site), and one for Grades 6 to 12 at Tregaron Campus. The library collection includes thousands of volumes in English, French, and Spanish. These materials are selected to support the curricula at all levels, as well as to promote pleasure reading for all ages. The entire WIS community—students, faculty, staff, parents—is welcome to borrow WIS library materials located on either campus.

Online research is possible through 12 proprietary databases in three languages, in addition to the Internet. Students and faculty have remote access and can search the library catalog or use these databases from home or anywhere in the world.


The WIS library program supports the educational goals of the School, and encourages the love of reading and learning. In our facilities, classes meet for research and academic pursuits, and members of the school community come to browse, read, study, and explore.

Our unified library catalog combines two unique collections: one for Preschool through Grade 5 on the Primary School campus, and one for Grades 6 to 12 at Tregaron Campus. The library collection includes thousands of volumes in English, French, and Spanish. These materials are selected to support the curricula at all levels, as well as to promote pleasure reading for all ages.

Online research is possible through 12 proprietary databases in three languages, in addition to the Internet. Students and faculty have remote access and can search the library catalog or use these databases from home or anywhere in the world. The entire WIS community—students, faculty, staff, parents—is welcome to borrow WIS library materials located on either campus.


At the Primary School teachers connect with students and their families primarily through Seesaw, a kid-friendly digital portfolio and communication tool; older students begin to use Google Classroom. In Middle and Upper School, teachers and students use onCampus, WIS's learning management system, to post and submit assignments and manage their academic lives. Google Classroom is also used to supplement online instruction.

To further support teaching and learning, the Academic Technology department has created an approved list of education apps. Apps are vetted to make sure they are effective, age appropriate, and safe.

On the rare occasions remote learning is in effect (for example on snow days), classes take place via Google Meet.


All WIS students are subject to the guidelines and restrictions outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). The AUP is included in the Community Handbook and defines appropriate use of technology for all students.

Each year, students are reminded of the AUP and the importance of adhering to all technology norms. In Middle School students are regularly reminded about safe practices through the advisory program, where teachers help make connections regarding the impact of technology use/misuse on students' daily lives. At the Primary School, teachers and the Academic Technology team familiarize students with the AUP as part of the process of gaining access to their digital accounts.

Google Drive is introduced to students in Grade 3, when they learn how to interact with files, folders and use basic applications such as Docs, Slides, and Sheets. Students are permitted to begin using their WIS email in Grade 5, after training on effective and appropriate email use.


Here are some key ways WIS strives to protect student information and privacy:

  • WIS only uses technology platforms and school services that meet strict privacy and security standards.
  • WIS has incorporated policies into its Employee Handbook that focus on student data protection, including: Record Release Policy and Procedure; Student Image Privacy Policy; Record Retention Policy.
  • During remote learning, WIS follows privacy experts’ recommendations about how to best handle class recordings to maximize student protection.
  • Teachers and staff receive training regarding data protection and approved technologies.
  • Always log out of websites and devices
  • Do not leave a device unlocked when you are not using it
  • Use strong passwords, keep them private, and change them regularly
  • Read the terms of service and privacy policies when you use a new site, and pay particular attention to age requirements
  • Don’t use automatic logins that save your user name and password
  • Do not use WIS student Google credentials for personal accounts
  • Do not sign up for or sign into Zoom
  • Do not misuse or share a class recording
  • Only use apps for schoolwork that are approved
  • Do not share personal information in any online platforms
  • Do not open emails if you don’t know the sender
  • If you find yourself no longer using a site or app, you can choose to delete your account or data
  • Avoid use of public wi-fi, especially if you will be accessing personal information
  • Follow the WIS Acceptable Use Policy
  • Visit Student Privacy Compass for more information
  • Supervise children’s online activity/use whenever possible
  • Turn on the security features on any device your child may use for learning activities. These can be found in the device’s general settings under the privacy menu.
  • Talk to your child about online behavior and safety. Here are some resources to facilitate: Protecting Kids Online (FTC), Privacy and Internet Safety (Common Sense Media), Student Privacy Compass, ConnectSafely.


Lauren Olson
Research and Media Specialist
Tregaron Campus

Meghan Ebbitt
Primary School

Doris Clingman
Assistant Teacher-Librarian
Primary School